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Humans Becoming LLC Services 


Here are the services that are offered as of now. As we grow and as our clients needs grow, our services will expand as well. Consider carefully what supports you are in need of for you, your family, or for your organization. If you are not sure of what you may be in need of, please consider using the complementary consultation service to speak with me.

What We

15 minute Complementary Conversation

I would like to hear what your needs are and we can discover if there is a service that can support you in your area of concern.

New Client Conference

Now that I know what supports you are seeking, we can begin to develop a unique plan just for you or your organization. This time will be best spent if you have at least 3 definite outcomes you want to experience.

In-Person Observation (Edu Coaching or Fam Involvement)

For some things a phone conversation is as valuable as being there. However, in some instances, you will need someone to be on site with sight to began forming possible solutions for some concerns. This service allows me to come in to observe without interference to the environment and helps really define/hone into which service(s) are best suited for desired outcome. The observation is for a hour and once observation is concluded you will receive a detailed report on what was observed to guide our concluding conversation.

Leadership and Staff Development

Imagine being able to speak in truth to what your mission and vision is as a leader or as a business. Now imagine someone willing to walk you through the process with a servant leadership lens to create a transformative bearing staff.

Public Speaking Engagement

By sharing ideas, truths, and strategies, we create the spaces we want ourselves as well as others to have some form of positive evolvement. 

Neurodivergent Needs

When your child is initially diagnosed with a learning/behavior/emotional concern, it can be easy to feel hopeless and helpless. However, you do not have to feel alone or go through this alone. You have rights as a parent of a child with a disability. You have Educational rights that have to be followed to the letter of the law. Sometimes it is hard to navigate the paperwork, strategies, therapies, and meetings concerning all of these needs. We will partner with you to make sure first you understand the diagnosis. Next, together we will navigate how to address concerns in meetings, what services/resources may be available to your family, and how to access procedures when systems put in place to protect are causing harm. Finally, as a team we will craft the best plan for your family to support your child as they journey through life's challenges as they come.

Organization & Time Management Training

If you or your child is struggling with organizational skills, time management, skills, and responsible decision making skills, this is the support that will help you simply get a system in place for you and their success!

Family/Parent Coaching

Working with families to help support them through positive and constructive interactions with regards to their children's educational journey. Providing created opportunities for implementation of strategies both in home and at school. 

Corporate Seminar

When we all know what is in the playbook, then we can all contribute to the game on some level. Not everyone is a quarterback, however, everyone is a defense and offense player for the team. Allow me to show you how to involve both sides to gain the best advantage for your staff, business, AND clients. 

Social Skill Coaching

At our core, humans are social creatures. We communicate through thoughts, verbal and non-verbal communication, and feelings. Having Social Skills can be rather difficult for some to navigate. There can be issues of societal challenges to physical/intellectual challenges. In either case, humans want and need to feel that they are part of something bigger than themselves. Therefore, they may need coaching to break through those barriers to find the social freedom to find acceptance and belonging. 

Ms. Kirby's willingness to take and implement feedback, love for our students and families, and positive attitude has made an incredible impact on her presence in the classroom and school building. She brings life and energy to our school with her unwavering faith in our students and families.

Mary Beth Winston, MNPS Educator

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